Microsoft word find and replace soft return
Microsoft word find and replace soft return

The “Find what” string finds a single number (one through nine, in the first group), followed by any two numbers (in the second group), followed by a hyphen, followed by any two numbers (in the third group). So what’s the deal with the ) Replace with: Put a checkmark in the “Use wildcards” box.Īll those multiple spaces will be replaced by a single space-in one operation!.If the “More” button is showing, click it.(Do not confuse this character with the CTRL key.) 1. The caret character is created by pressing SHIFT+6 on most keyboards. In the “Replace with” box, type a single space. NOTE: The caret character () in the following tables must be typed.In Word’s “Find what” box, type a single space.Display Word’s “Replace” dialog by pressing CTRL + h on your keyboard.But there is a better solution: Use wildcards. In that case, you’ll need to hit “Replace all” multiple times to clean up the problem. Or, worse, the professor has used multiple spaces to indent paragraphs or do other kinds of formatting. On the Home tab, click Replace or press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+H. Unless, as often happens, old Professor Griggs has been sloppy and sometimes used three spaces in a row. Open Microsoft Word and the document you want to edit. The p should be lowercase I’ve tried it with an uppercase P before and it didn’t work. In the Find and Replace boxes, put the following (the parts in bold): 'Find what' box: pp 'Replace with' box: p. At times we find ourselves in a situation wherein we need to find and replace numbers in a Word document. In case you’re wondering, this is a lot easier to do in Word. On the Find What line, type in the nonsense string or whatever you used before and replace it with a single paragraph mark. Finally, return to the Replace box one more time. Turning two spaces into one is easy enough: just put two spaces in Microsoft Word’s “Find what” box, one space in the “Replace with” box, and hit the “Replace all” button. MS Word is a powerful word processing tool from Microsoft. Click Replace All to convert all the hard line breaks onto spaces. Those of us who learned to type on an actual typewriter were taught to put two spaces between each sentence, supposedly to help with readability, and there are still plenty of academics who cling to that outmoded practice. Wildcard Search #1: Replacing Double Spaces In fact, I’m going to give you seven easy wildcard searches you can use right now to help clean up that manuscript and beat that deadline. Using wildcards is not as hard as you might think.


If only you knew how to use wildcard find and replace! This content is a modified version of my article on the same topic previously published at the Word MVP FAQ website. But now that deadline is looming, and there’s still a lot of work ahead. T he purpose of this Microsoft Word Tips & Microsoft Word Help page is discuss and provide a VBA solution to find and replace text wherever it may appear in a document. I need to do a find and replace in a large text file, but I want to replace the found text with a carriage return (as if I had hit the return key on the keyboard) instead of general text.Your anguished cry rings out in the middle of the night: “Why, oh why, did I accept this stupid freelance job?” You know the answer: The client offered you twice as much money as you’d ordinarily get for a job like this because the deadline is tight. Click or hover over the 'Edit' tab found in the top toolbar.

Microsoft word find and replace soft return